Margaret "Meg" Huntington Cajero

Profile Updated: February 27, 2010
Class Year: 1960
Residing In: Los Angeles, CA USA
Spouse/Partner: Paul Cajero
Occupation: Photographer and book maker
Children: Channa Paz Cajero, born 1971
Yes! Attending Reunion

Worked at CBS Studios and then at Western Costume out of college and at the Megaw Theatre as Lighting Designer and Director. Worked as a professional artist and became prez of the National Watercolor Society and was represented by Hunsaker/Schlesinger Fine Art. Worked in television for 9 years as a Production Coordinator. Worked on and off part time at the great Dutton's Bookstores in LA and now as a photographer and book maker represented by Lora Schlesinger Fine Art. Plus lots of travel, reading of books and taking of extension classes, enjoying lots of evenings at the theatre and our wonderous Philharmonic and Opera and lots and lots of movies and tv.

School Story:

I remember the Algerian protests in and around Paris and that NATO troops were positioned on our campus for several days and I think I remember that we, in the 2nd girl's dorm, made popcorn for them. I remember the great field trips we took in Paris, seeing a recital at the Opera House and so many rooms at the Louvre among other sites. I remember the long bus ride home to Dreux and when we reached the base the bus went directly to the base hospital as we were all half unconscious with the Asia flu. I remember how disappointed I was that my father was going to be transferred back stateside to Wright Patterson in Dayton (going from Paris to Dayton in those days was culture shock in full reverse!) before I could graduate from our high school but how delighted and thankful to all my dorm mates who gave me the class ring as my going away present.

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Jul 25, 2014 at 12:56 PM

Hi Dick, Dreux and Paris seems like just last week… wishing you a most happy B Day!